We told you earlier this week that the city has disclosed a confidential employment agreement involving former CAO Jerry Knox to a city resident.

This after a ruling from the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.

The documents, posted on BayToday, detail the retirement agreement and the position of corporate advisor.

Mayor Al McDonald wouldn’t talk about the agreement, but says the city did comply as requested.

“Having said that the privacy commissioner asked for the transition agreement to be released which the city did. The city also put anyone who made over $100,000 on the sunshine list,” he says.

The documents say after the mayor and administrator held numerous discussions concerning a transition plan in the Fall of 2015 council directed staff to develop the agreement.

McDonald stands by that.

“There was direction and it is in the transitional agreement that council directed staff to develop the transitional plan. We were not part of that,” he says.

Filed under: corporate advisor, Information and Privacy Commissioner, Mayor Al McDonald