Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli with 2 major announcements for the Nipissing Serenity Hospice on Friday.

He says the government is providing $800,000 in capital funding to pay for more beds making it a 10 bed funded facility up from the original six.

As well, the hospice which is planning to open in September is receiving just over a million dollars in annual operating funding.

Hospice board chair Mathilde Gravelle Bazinet says she’s seen first hand in her brothers case the importance of a hospice and the difference it can make at the end of someone’s life.

“And that was a beautiful experience for his family. It allowed 2 of his sons to reconcile during that week they were with their father at the hospice,” she says.

Fedeli gives the hospice credit for not changing their vision even though the government funding wasn’t there initially.

“They had the foresight to build 10 beds with the hope that the province would come around and see it their way and fund the 10 beds. They’ve made a real strong case,” Fedeli says.

The government says it’s funding 193 new hospice beds with over $33 million.

Filed under: Mathilde Gravelle Bazinet, MPP Vic Fedeli, Nipissing Serenity Hospice