A sci-fi comedy is being filmed in North Bay this month and into the new year.

It’s called ‘Astonishing Tales of Terror’ and producer/actor Brigitte Kingsley tells BayToday it’s similar to another project that was filmed here.

“We shot the ‘Dark Rising’ television series and movies in North Bay before and this project has a little bit of that feel to it,” she says.

Kingsley says it follows a group of everyday heroes and their encounter with a giant creature in the deep mines of Northern Ontario.

“It’s an homage to all those old pulp classics, so it has that creature-feature feel to it. It’s about an octopus who lives in a mine, but it’s an alien octopus that attacks and kills people,” she says.

Kingsley says there’s a huge set involved with the film that’s being built by a local crew.

Three local actors – Joshua Bainbridge, Joe Drinkwalter and Morgan Bedard – were recently cast and are shooting the opening scene this week.


(File photo- Courtesy Mayor Al McDonald) 

Filed under: #HollywoodNorthBay, North Bay Film Industry