Board members of the Dionne Quints home says they need an agreement with the city.

Ed Valenti is chair of the Dionne Quints Heritage Board.

He says they have a busy year planned in 2019 including the possible permanent opening of the home and access to artifacts but they need an agreement as soon as possible to make that happen.

“We’re appealing to the city to bump us up so an agreement is in place and then we’ll be ready to go,” he says.

Valenti says once an agreement with the city is in place they can apply for funding from senior levels of government.

He says they’re looking for $15,000 for landscaping purposes.

Valenti says they’re looking at possibly opening the home on Canada Day.

He says there’s lots of interest already for people to see the home.

“We have bus groups that want to come to North Bay and have expressed an interest. We have had lots of people from the states that want to come up and see the home,” Valenti says.

Filed under: Dionne Home, Ed Valenti