An organization responsible for arts and culture in the city has made a funding request to North Bay Council.

Creative Industries North Bay is asking for $50,000 a year for the next 4 years.

Jaymie Latham is the organization’s executive director.

She says if the request is granted they’ll be able to co-ordinate and promote all arts events in the community.

“It’s also going to allow us to leverage that funding into larger federal and provincial funds that we can sink directly into North Bay,” she says.

She says if successful they’ll be able to unite the creative arts industry in North Bay.

“And not only that there will be an organizational leader to connect and help dessiminate all of the information and programming that’s going on,” Latham says.

She points out their long term goal is to establish a granting system of their own to fund local arts organizations.

Filed under: Creative Industries, North Bay City Council