The Ontario Health Coalition is holding events across the province putting a spotlight on the problem of violence at Long Term Care homes.

Monday, there were first hand experiences told to an OHC committee.

Blanche-Helene Tremblay says there are so few staff to patients that inevitable problems occur and violence is one of those.

“They can become agitated and get into an altercation with another resident. No one hears it because no one’s there they’re all in the rooms.” she says.

She told Bay Today in 1 case there are 18 dementia patienta to two personal support workers.

And in another there are 72 residents and only 3 staff members on hand during the overnight period.

Tremblay says another concern is family members can’t take care of their loved ones because of liability issues and thay have to wait for staff members to provide that care.


(photo Chris Dawson Bay Today)

Filed under: Long Term Care, Ontario Health Coalition