The President of the North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce says an Invest North Bay request for up to 10-million dollars over four years is all about strategic investment and supports it.
BayToday received a copy of the request letter last week.
“If we’re going to get serious about attraction and investing in companies to expand their employment base and tax base, that’s exactly what we have to do,” says Chamber President Peter Chirico.
He also says, despite what critics may say, the money is not being spent on ‘fresh air and sunshine’.
“If they don’t use it as an attraction tool, or an investment, whether it be a purchase or a building whatever it may be, then there’s no money that’s going to be spent,” he says.
The request hasn’t come to council yet.
Meantime, BayToday has obtained an updated letter from Invest North Bay.
It says there are nine companies at various stages of their decision-making process, about establishing a local presence or relocating here.

Filed under: Invest North Bay, North Bay District Chamber of Commerce, Peter Chirico