Local officials are looking for residents and groups to get involved with a new grassroots, community focused festival in mid-June.

It’s going to be held downtown and at the waterfront.

Tourism North Bay chair Jake Lacourse (pictured) says they’re building off the success of Armed Forces Day, which is taking place June 12th.

“All we’re trying to do right now is do an open call to the community, to every organization, every citizen, every small ‘mom and pop’ group, everybody. We want them to come to the table and hold an event June 12th to the 16th,” he says.

They’re also looking for artisans, vendors and musicians to get involved.

So far, the Capitol Centre’s Children’s Festival is aligned with the festival.

“What are some of the things that are already booked, the Capitol Centre, of course. There’s the power boat association holding an event that weekend, which will bring thousands of people to the community,” he says.

Those interested in getting involved or offering input, including a name for the event, can contact Tourism North Bay.

Tourism North Bay, the North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Improvement Area and Creative Industries have joined together to begin facilitating the new festival.