The North Bay Relay For Life event is set for June.

Organizers introduced this years honorary survivor today (Thursday).

She’s Kim Kanmacher.

Kim has been fighting her own cancer battle and says she’s gone from the shock of finding out you have cancer to the realization that life is more important than cancer.

“It takes a life experience like this that puts things into perspective on what’s important in life. It’s giving back to a community that stood behind me in every step of the way as I went through this journey,” Kanmacher says.

This year’s Relay For Life chair is Tracy Davis.

Davis says Kim is the perfect choice to be the honorary survivor.

“She is such an inspiring person and thrives on community. Someone that can get the message out that community is bigger than cancer and life is bigger than cancer,” Davis says

She says s they’re hoping to raise $105,000 for cancer research after raising $100,000 last year. They’re also looking for 400 participants to take part.

This year’s event is Friday June 21st and in the 18 years the relay has been held in North Bay $3.5 million has been raised for cancer research. For more information and to register your team go to

Filed under: Canadian Cancer Society, Kim Kanmacher, North Bay Relay For Life