11 municipalities in Nipissing will receive a combined total of $3.61 million to improve service delivery.

The list includes East Frrris which is getting $577,000, Callander which is receiving $507,000, Powassan which is getting $445,000, Nipissing which is receiving $412,000, Bonfield which is getting $371,000 and Mattawa which is getting $359,000.

Other communities getting funds are Chisholm, Papineau-Cameron, Calvin Township, Mattawan Township and North Bay which is getting $17,000.

The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing says the funding will help small and rural municipalities improve how they deliver services and reduce the ongoing costs of providing those services.

North Bay 17,690
Mattawa 359,600
Bonfield 371,000
Calvin 206,800
Chisholm 282,400
East Ferris 577,600
Mattawan 173,000
Papineau-Cameron 258,800
Powassan 445,600
Callander 507,200
Nipissing 412,200

Filed under: funding, municipalities