Nipissing University’s inaugural research month is wrapping up.

The final major event, NU360, goes tonight (6 pm) at the Grande Event Centre, with ten faculty members presenting their research on six slides and in only six minutes each.

The event is being held to showcase the research being done at the university to the North Bay community.


The following speakers and topics are being featured:

Title: Application of Project-based Learning in China
Presenter: Qiongli Zhu

Title: Murder on the Beach
Presenter: Dr. Hilary Earl

Title: The Drawing Lab: The Effects of Language & Schema on Drawing Performance
Presenter: Amanda Burk

Title: Do nice guys finish last? The evolution of altruism as a sexual signal.
Presenter: Dr. Steven Arnocky

Title: The Demographic Window: An Opportunity or a Challenge for Iran’s Development?
Presenter: Dr. Hatam Hosseini

Title: Transformed Intimate Relationships and Low Fertility
Presenter: Dr. Amir Erfani

Title: Roots and STEMS? Examining Field of Study Choices Among Northern and Rural Youth in Canada
Presenter: Dr. David Zarifa

Title: Is learning a third language easier than learning a second? Immigrants to Canada weigh in on language learning.
Presenter: Dr. Callie Mady

Title: Don’t stop never stopping: Maintaining mobility through the golden years
Presenter: Dr. Alison Schinkel-Ivy

Title: Expressing “the wish to die” among palliative home care clients
Presenter: Dr. Trevor Smith

Again, tonight’s event begins at 6 pm at The Grande Event Centre.

Filed under: Nipissing University