Some provincial hardware for the North Bay Navy League.

The local first aid team won bronze at the Ontario Divisional Provincial Competition in Trenton, while the drill team placed in the top seven.

“This is the first time North Bay has taken home medals from Provincials in quite a while. I am proud of the cadets and the volunteer coaches and parents who allowed these kids to compete at such a high level, “ says corps Commanding Officer, Sub Lieutenant (NL) Richard Doucette.

After their recent Regional Competition wins in Sault Ste Marie, the North Bay Navy League teams were representing Aurora Squadron (Northern Ontario Region) this weekend.

The Navy League is a free program that meets weekly, September though June.

Objectives of “The Navy League Cadet Corps” are to give young girls and boys (ages 9 to 12) the opportunity to develop good mental, moral and physical training, to develop patriotism, good citizenship, a sense of duty, discipline, self-respect, and to respect others, in a Naval environment suited for young people.

There are 34 corps in Ontario.


Photos supplied: First Aid Team in action. The scenario the cadets faced was a possible arm fracture, while their coach, Jennifer Proulx, and judge look on.
Cadets on the bronze medal team are First Aid Captain Matthieu Berube and team members Isabelle Berube, Olivia Behe, Jakob Lacourse.

Also on the squad were Hunter Doucette and Brooke Doucette

Filed under: North Bay Navy League Corps