Maxime Bernier’s People’s Party of Canada now has a riding association in Nipissing-Timiskaming.

This after formal recognition from Elections Canada.

Riding Association President Craig Dellandrea says they’re bringing Bernier’s philosophy to the area.

“It’s one of freedom and responsibility, it’s one of no corporate welfare, it’s one of an immigration policy that works for Canada and it’s one of an orientation towards entrepreneurship and getting government out of people’s lives,” he says.

Dellandrea says job number one is to select a candidate to run in this fall’s federal election.

He’s meeting with potential candidates this week.

When asked about what voters are talking about with the more traditional parties, Dellandrea takes aim at the Prime Minister and the SNC Lavalin affair.

“Here is a guy who proclaimed he’s going to do government differently, he was going to be ‘not traditional’ and what we’ve come to expect from politicians and yet it has become the epitome of what we have come to expect from politicians,” he says.

Bernier, who left the federal Conservatives last August, unveiled the new party last September saying it’s their intention to have election candidates in all 338 ridings.


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Filed under: People's Party of Canada Nipissing-Timiskaming Riding Association