Jordan Mino plays Sledge Hockey in North Bay and he’s hoping the new arena will improve accessibility.

He plays for the North Bay Ice Breakers and says a lot needs to be done including having a place to put your gear on.

“We can’t get down to the dressing rooms at the Pete Palangio Arena because of the way the stairs are configured. Instead, we have to change in the boardroom,” he says.

He says the city has made steps to address accessibility in the arenas but it’s primarily for spectators and not for the athletes.

He has been asked to sit on an advisory committee for the new arena project and he’s willing to take part in that.

He says getting to and from the ice to the benches and vice versa are also barriers he has to deal with.


(photo by station staff)

Filed under: Jordan Mino, municipal accessibility, North Bay Ice Breakers