The North Bay Sports Hall of Fame Induction ceremony and awards dinner goes tomorrow night (Saturday) at the Davedi Club.

The four inductees to the hall this year include former NHL coach Mike Yeo, runner Taylor Milne, curler John McClelland and gymnast Erin Grigg.

Several awards are also being handed out.

Honoured Team for 2018:
Warriors of Hope

2018 North Bay Sports Award Winners:
Jack Burrows Memorial Award for Sports Achievement – Dave Innes
Dedication to Soccer (North Bay Youth Soccer) – Vito Castiglione
James Kelly Memorial Award for Team of the Year – Carlie Pappano/ Joelle Horner
Dominico Family Award for Contribution to Softball/Baseball – Bret Foisy
George Martyn Memorial Trophy for Basketball – Joey Puddister
Judge Harry J Reynolds Memorial Trophy for Hockey – John Weber
Al Brennan Memorial Trophy for Coach of the Year – John Whittet
Jim Aspin Memorial Award for Executive of the Year – Sean Mullan
Mort Fellman Memorial Award for Female Athlete of the Year – Dominique Baldasaro
Britt Jessup Memorial Award for Male Athlete of the Year – Zach Martel
Pete Palangio Award for Contribution to Sport – Rick Taylor
Peter Handley Friend of Sport – Dalton Hazzard
Mike Mitchell-Larry Avery Memorial Award for Football – Zach Wilkinson & Matt Jemmett
John Toswell Memorial Award for Curling – Moe Laporte
Special Olympics Award of Excellence – 2018 National Summer Games Team

(Photo by station staff)

Filed under: North Bay Sports Hall of Fame