It’s being called a ‘Pink Slip Rally’ and it’s taking place later today (Wednesday) outside MPP Vic Fedeli’s office.

The union representing 114 secondary teachers who were declared redundant by the Near North Board last week is organizing the event.

Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation officials say the late announcement of provincial budgets for schools and programming grant cancellations has caused chaos at the board.

They go on to say it’ll likely be weeks before the board has a full understanding of funding priorities.

The union says the uncertainty and loss of decent jobs will affect the local economy.

Last week, MPP Vic Fedeli issued a statement after OSSTF officials announced the layoffs.

Fedeli said with their investment in attrition protection they stand by their commitment that not a single teacher will lose their job as a result of proposed changes to class sizes and e-learning.

Here is the full statement:
“We are investing a landmark $1.6B in attrition protection and we are standing by our commitment that not a single teacher will lose their job as a result of our proposed changes to class sizes and e-learning,” he says.
“The exact funding amount per school year will vary depending on the number of retirements and voluntary leaves calculated by school boards and verified by the ministry. Funding will be based on actual attrition, so, for instance, if a board experiences less attrition than forecasted, they will receive additional funding. Once this calculation is complete, school boards will start to receive this funding in September 2019.”
“The government is also currently consulting with our education labour partners on the proposed changes to class sizes. This consultation will continue until May 31, 2019.”


(File photo by station staff)