City Council gave approval last night on a couple of major reconstruction projects.

Council approved the tender for the $10.8 million Cassells Street project to Kenalex Construction.

Councillor Chris Mayne says this project will take two years to complete.

He says the project will finish the remaining part of Cassells that hasn’t been four laned and that’s between King Street and the highway.

Mayne says the project will loosen up traffic in the area once its done.

“That whole section right now from Olive to King is a bit of a choke point because it’s narrow especially with cars parked on the side of the road. The project will widen the street out and improving its efficiency and Cassells is one of the last major thoroughfares in the city to be resurfaced and rebuilt,” he says.

Meantime, the city is spending an extra $75,000 on the design work for the Seymour Street job. He says the design work is costing the city around $1.5 million.

(photo from city of North Bay)

Filed under: Cassells Street, reconstruction, Seymour Street