It’s called ‘Connecting to Your Community’ and dozens of local groups are gathering under one roof to provide information to the community about what’s available.

Community Living North Bay is hosting over 40 local services and organizations from 3 pm to 7 pm at 741 Wallace Road.

There’s groups involved in recreation, employment, nutrition, post-secondary education and everything in between.

Confirmed organizations and services include:
– Estate Planning
– Best Buddies
– Community Participation Services/Snoezelen Room
– After School Programs (City of North Bay)
– VON Meals on Wheels
– L.I.P.I
– Horse Ability
– CLNB Employment & Transitions
– Advocacy Council
– Big Brothers & Big Sisters
– Paddle
– Canadore College
– MultiCultural Centre
– North Bay Public Library
– CTS Canadian Career College
– CLNB Clinical Services
– North Bay Food Bank
– Canadore College Student Success
– YES Employment
– CLNB Supported Independent Living & Residential
– Forward Progressive Solutions
– P.A.D.D
– KidSport
– Indigenous Friendship Centre
– Adult Literacy Co-Op
– M.A.C.C Accessibilities Committee North Bay
– CLNB Individualized Funding Program
– Ohana Wellness
– Community Counselling Centre
– Montessori Children’s House
– Brain Injury Association of North Bay
– Nipissing Literacy Council
– Nipissing Serenity Hospice
– Student Nutrition Program
– Canadian Mental Health Association
– P.L.A.Y.S
– Canadian Forces – Recreation Services
– Education Centre – NNDSB
– Crisis Centre
– Amelia Rising
– True Self
– One Kid’s Place
– EarlyON Child and Family Centre
– CLNB Family Home/Respite Services
– Special Olympics
– Learning Disabilities Association

For more information CLICK HERE


Photo courtesy