A group of medical professionals including researchers from Nipissing University have had their work published in Psychological Science.

The research was conducted at Nipissing University by Dr. Justin Carré, Dr. Shawn Geniole, Nicole Marley, Triana Ortiz, and Ashley Marcellus.

The study aimed to examine whether testosterone played a causal role in promoting human aggression.

Results show testosterone on its own had a relatively weak effect on aggressive behaviour, however the effects were conditional upon existing personality traits.

The study, in which testosterone was administered to healthy young men, assessed self-report personality traits, genetic variation in the androgen receptor gene, and aggressive behaviour using a well-validated computer task.

Simon Fraser University, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, and the University of Massachusetts-Boston were also involved in the research.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: Nipissing University, research