Thursday is Canadian Multiculturalism Day and there’s a local dine and dance fundraiser lined up to celebrate.

‘Soirée Tropicale’ is taking place in the Summit Room at the Voyager Inn, from 5-8 pm tomorrow.

Officials are announcing details on this September’s Culture Days Festival.

ICU Media’s Susan Terry says tickets are $100, with a $50 charitable tax receipt being provided.

That includes all your entertainment and your food, which is African, Asian, Filipino, it’s going to be amazing,” she says.

Entertainment includes Unik Theatre and more.

“Amadou Kiénou from the Ivory Coast, who is an international star drummer, we’ve got belly dance, a fire dance and a First Nations scarf dance,” she says.

Terry also offers up some of what September’s Culture Days Festival will include.

“It will include a mask parade and a big international drumming festival,” she says.

Tickets for tomorrow’s fundraiser are available on


(Photo submitted)