North Bay Pride continues with a ‘Stand By Your Colour Boat Cruise’ tonight (Fri).

Saturday is a big day with the Pride Walk/March from City Hall to the waterfront.

The Hamilton family, whose children both identify within the 2SLGBTQ+ community, are grand marshals.

John says because of their background it was difficult when their son Jeffrey came out a few years ago, but it has always been ‘love all the way’.

“He grew with us, he would introduce different simple things like colouring nails, or going to different events with Pride and we just embraced it, we’ve felt more of a comfort and now it’s a true love,” he says.

Samantha says there were challenges at first.

“I think we were more afraid of the unknown of the different situations that may arise with Jeffrey coming out, but we’ve been very supportive all the way through and we’ve grown,” she says.

Jeffrey says his family has grown.

“I remember myself in grade 10 just being so nervous about coming to the first Pride and now seeing my family progress into leading Pride is just such a huge accomplishment and I’m so, so proud,” he says.

After the walk/march there’s a Pride family picnic at the waterfront tomorrow.

At night there’s a youth dance at St Andrew’s and a Foam Party at the Summit.


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: North Bay Pride