We told you recently about the city’s launch of the Downtown Ambassador Program.

It’s modeled after a similar program in Guelph in which a group of social services agencies and the downtown work together.

It focuses on engaging vulnerable people and connecting them with available services.

Kyla Venturi is with Nipissing Mental Health Housing and Support Services on her role.

“We’re just kind of seeing what the downtown needs. We’ll be engaging with individuals on the streets, the vulnerable population or with patrons walking by who need some assistance,” she says.

She told BayToday they have a good 5 person team that is familiar with issues that include mental health addiction, acquired brain injury and crisis work.

“The hope is we can mitigate things and connect people with services as quickly as possible so the risk for the vulnerable population is decreased. As well, we will provide support and education for residents downtown and the business owners,” Venturi says.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: downtown, Nipissing Mental Health Housing and Support Services