The International Plowing Match and Rural Expo in Verner is now into day three, with no shortage of activities lined up.

The plowing matches start at 9:30 am, there’s the Canadian Cowgirls precision drill team, live chainsaw wood-carving demonstrations, The West Coast Lumberjack Show (pictured below), hands-on activities at the Hydro One Education Centre, and much more.

For all the details check out

Officials say the Skyhawks Canadian Armed Forces parachute team (pictured above) had people looking up on Wednesday, with a dazzling demonstration of acrobatic formations above Tented City.

On top of all the other events, there were 16 musical performers on three stages.

The live music continues throughout the day today, too.

Among the Main Stage performers is Mimi O’Bonsawin, winner of the Best Pop Album award at the 2019 Indigenous Music Awards, at 4 pm. She’s also in the Final Furrow Lounge at 2 pm.


(Photos submitted)

Filed under: 2019 International Plowing Match and Rural Expo, verner, West Nipissing