There was no shortage of issues and sparks in the latest federal election debate in Nipissing-Timiskaming.

The five candidates took part in the 2-hour YourTV debate last night.

There was some heat during the debate and a bit of mud slinging too on topics like immigration, gun control, ethics and leaders past mistakes.

One candidate accused another of calling immigration a ‘sexy issue’ which led to a heated exchange and denial, while another candidate called someone else self-serving, during a discussion about water issues near the base.

Other issues covered in the debate included transportation, taxes, climate change, pharma-care, affordable housing and more.

Most candidates agreed climate change is the top issue.

Country 600 CKAT is hosting our debate next Thursday morning, October 10th.  Text your questions for the candidates to 2-6-9-2-6-9.


(Photo by station staff)