An NDP bill to make northern Ontario highways safer was defeated at Queen’s Park on Thursday.

The New Democrats says three northern MPP’s including Nipissing’s Vic Fedeli skipped the vote.

The bill looked to improve winter maintenance on highways 11 and 17, with the goal of reducing the number of winter closures and collisions on Northern Ontario roads.

“The Ford Conservative government has shamelessly put a price on the lives of people that tragically die and get injured on Northern Ontario highways every winter,”
said NDP MPP Guy Bourgouin in a statement after Bill 125, Making Northern Ontario Highways Safer Act, was defeated. “While the Liberals privatized and de-regulated winter highway maintenance, Doug Ford’s Conservatives are taking us from bad to worse by voting down a bill that could have improved the quality of our roads, and saved lives.”


(File photo courtesy

Filed under: winter maintenance