The home crowd at the Chippewa Raiderdome went home happy Tuesday after back-to-back NDA championship wins.

First, Chippewa’s junior girls basketball team won the NDA banner with a 32-27 win over Algonquin.

It’s the first time since 2007-08 they’ve won the title.

Officials say the girls played their hearts out and pulled away at the end of the game to get the win.

Meantime, the Raiders senior boys’ volleyball team won the NDA banner with a five set thriller over Franco Cite.

All three games in the series went to five sets.

Many long time Raiders said it had the feel of a game from the 90’s or early 2000’s.

Meantime, Franco Cite won the NDA junior boys volleyball title and Widdifield won the NDA senior girls basketball championship.


(Photo above – Jr Girls Basketball team members include: Back Row: Coach Ms. Martin, Tanvi Kumar, Sarah Petrie, Sophie Hopper, Skye McCourt, Aili Smith, Bronwyn Pitkethly, Claire Cousineau, Coach Ms. Shuttleworth Front Row: Mave O’Hagan, Marina Valenti , Tessa Plamondon, Clarice DeBernardi, Jayda Phillipson, Kate Pauli)

(Photo below – Boys volleyball team members include: Back Row: Coach- Mr. Truswell, Simon Gagné, Wolf Gillespie, Desmond Plumstead, James Daniel, Greg Hill, Tyler Hampel, Coach- Tanner O’Brien Front Row: Jesse Winrow, Brayden Blake, Jacob Steringa, Jakob Russell, Connor Winrow, Gabe Mitchell)

(Photos submitted)


Filed under: Chippewa Raiders