Rally to take place outside MPP's office later today
by richard.coffin on November 15, 2019, 04:11am. EST
Nipissing’s MPP may travelling overseas in his role as Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade minister but that’s not stopping a local group from holding a ‘resistance rally’ outside his Main Street office.
The North Bay and District Labour Council is holding the event late this afternoon to highlight what it calls the province’s aggressive decisions to attack vital publically-funded services.
“We need to remind MPP Fedeli that even though he get’s to travel around the world in his new Ministerial role, he’s still very much behind Doug Ford’s aggressive decisions to attack vital services that citizens rely on every day,” said Henri Giroux, North Bay and District Labour Council President, in a release. “Because of MPP Fedeli’s overwhelming support of Doug Ford’s attacks on publicly funded services, students have less individualized time with their teachers and hallway medicine has never been worse.”
“Instead of good, quality action to help big business reduce their carbon footprint, we get ugly stickers on the gas pumps,” said Giroux.
“Most of all, while many citizens and groups work steadily to reduce historic and systemic barriers for indigenous people, the Ontario Government puts up more barriers by impeding important court action and cutting crucial funds like the Indigenous Cultural Fund,” said Giroux.
MPP Vic Fedeli released the following statement Friday afternoon:
“We are investing $1.9 billion more on health care and $1.2 billion more on education than what was being spent when we took office – all while putting our province back on a secure financial footing. Our plan also invests an additional $1.3 billion in critical public services this year – a further increase in spending compared to our 2019 Budget.”
(File photo by station staff)