Nipissing-Temiskaming MP Anthony Rota has made some history after being chosen the Speaker of the House of Commons.

“I’m very proud to be the first speaker of Italian descent to sit in this chair,” he says.

Rota beat out fellow Liberal Geoff Regan, who had been Speaker during the last session of Parliament as well as three other MP’s.

He issued a challenge to all.

” I ask one favour of all of you. Just think everytime you get up make sure our friends, family, children and parents are all proud of us when we’re in this house. That all I ask,” Rota says.

He says he’s there to serve his fellow MP’s.

“Make sure that everything runs well for all of us so that we can conduct the business of parliament. My promise is to be fair, non partisan and to do my best in this house,” he says.

Rota is the 2nd Northern MP to be chosen speaker. James Jerome from Sudbury was the last one in the mid ’70’s.

(submitted photo by Anthony Rota’s office)

(files and picture from Canadian Press)

Filed under: new speaker, Nipissing-Timiskaming MP Anthony Rota