Ontario Northland has partnered up with Humanity First Canada.

The idea is to take a bus no longer used for passenger service and turn it into a shelter area to help people get out of the cold in the winter.

President of Ontario Northland Corina Moore loves the idea and thinks all bus companies should get on board with this initiative.

“This should be the way we work. When our buses become so they can’t be used for passenger trips and they can be re-purposed we have an obligation to do this. It’s the right thing to do. I’m really proud and grateful we’re able to partner with Humanity First,” he says.

Dr. Aslam Daud, Chairman of Humanity First Canada says the buses will be where the need is and the retrofit will have 20 beds in it.

He says like floods and earthquakes being homeless is an emergency situation.

“We’ll re-purpose this bus and turn it into a 20 bed place of refuge on very cold nights. Homeless people will be allowed access, have a good night sleep, have a warm meal and then leave in the morning,” he says.

He says they started this program in the Toronto area and have expanded it north now

The bus will be available throughout the winter from December until the end of March.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: Humanity First, Ontario Northland