CAA is reminding travellers that changes to out-of-country medical coverage in Ontario are now in effect, prompting the need to review travel insurance coverage.

As of yesterday, OHIP no longer covers any portion of out-of-country medical expenses.

Meantime, the Canadian Snowbird Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to defending the rights and privileges of Canadian travellers, says the cut is unprecedented.

They’ve filed a legal challenge of the cut which they say makes Ontario the only jurisdiction in Canada to cut all emergency medical coverage for residents travelling abroad.

The program covered out-of-country inpatient services up to $400 per day for a higher level of care, and up to $50 per day for emergency outpatient and doctor services.

A spokeswoman for Health Minister Christine Elliott wouldn’t comment on the case as it is before the courts, but she says the program was costly and largely ineffectual.

Hayley Chazan says its limited coverage meant that Canadians who had no private insurance were left on the hook for “catastrophically large bills to pay.”

The federal government has warned that the change, which came into effect on New Year’s Day, could lead to higher insurance premiums for Ontarians travelling abroad.

(With files from The Canadian Press)

(Photo by station staff)

Filed under: CAA, Canadian Snowbird Association, Province of Ontario