Barring any progress in contract talks, OSSTF members will be holding a one-day strike at the Near North Board next Tuesday.

The Near North District School Board says due to safety concerns including inability to provide the required supervision to students, a full withdrawal of services will result in all elementary and secondary schools being closed on Tuesday but re-opening on Wednesday.

The board says all childcare, before and after daycare, EarlyOn centres and community use will continue to remain open.

Tuesday is the same day all Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic schools will be closed with local English Catholic teachers holding a one-day strike.

The Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario has started giving five-day notice for their one day strikes.

A work-to-rule campaign started today with teachers in Ontario’s French system.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: ETFO, Near North District School Board, Ontario English Catholic Teachers Assocation, OSSTF