Officials say the response from those in need has been positive since the launch of the Healthy Community Ambassador program last August.
The outreach program involves mental health and addictions workers patrolling the downtown.
They’ve logged 100 interactions since the launch.
“There has been a very positive response to our program from those who are struggling. We have earned trust and gained a reputation of being able to help those who need,” said Bryan Eade, a program outreach worker. “We have been able to find housing and provide many individuals with treatment program referrals. We’ve also provided individuals with assistance in obtaining identification, submitting financial applications and setting appointments with health-care providers and support programs.”
Outreach workers have also responded to 75-100 calls from businesses and have been delivering ongoing training with a focus on communication and de-escalation.
Officials say about 25 to 30 individuals have been connected with Nipissing Mental Health Housing & Support Services for ongoing support, while several more are currently going through the referral process.
“There’s been nothing but positive feedback about this program,” said Coun. Dave Mendicino, a Downtown North Bay board member. “We know it’s not going to solve all of the homelessness, mental health and addictions issues in our community. But, it is extremely encouraging to hear how these outreach workers are helping to make a difference in people’s lives.”
Also of note, the former gd2go Warming Centre on Main East has been averaging 400 guests per month since opening in December.
The low-barrier beds will be transferred to a new housing stabilization site in 2020.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: Community Ambassador Program, downtown