Students in the Near Space Program at West Ferris Secondary School today heard from a NASA scientist.

Dr. Ben Poulter is an Environmental Scientist at the Goddard Space Centre in Maryland and he was hooked up via video link.

The students teacher Kelly Shulman says he reports to the United Nations on climate change and NASA is going to partner with West Ferris at their annual scientific balloon launch.

She says its unbelievable that the scientists from NASA will be working with their students on the changing climate.

“They’re using computer models to predict how that concentration plays out over the different layers at different altitudes. They don’t have a measure of that so we are going to provide it,” she says.

She says they’re looking at May for their next balloon test.

Student Aarya Patel says he’s excited about working with NASA.

” Someone from NASA is talking to a group of kids from a school that hasn’t done anything like this before. That’s really exciting for me,” Patel says.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: Kelly Shulman, NASA, West Ferris Secondary School