A discussion on climate change, farm operations, stream banks and water quality is taking place tomorrow night (6 pm) at the Corbeil Park Hall.

The Conservation Authority says they’re inviting hobby farmers, equine operators and land owners who lease land for farming to meet with meet industry experts.

“As part of our stewardship and outreach initiatives, we have gathered industry experts with hands-on experience and technical know-how to share ideas on agricultural climate challenges and protecting water quality,” said Sue Buckle, Manager of Communications and Outreach for the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority.

Speakers include:
– Christoph Wand, a livestock sustainability specialist with the Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
– Charlie Lalonde, Project Manager for the Thames River Phosphorus Reduction Collaborative
– Hassan Rouhani, Climate Change Specialist with the Township of Bonfield
– April James, Canada Research Chair at Nipissing University
– Jane White, Masters of Environmental Studies candidate at Nipissing University, presenting research on the relationship between phosphorus and turbidity in the Callander-Wasi subwatershed.

Once again, the event goes Thursday, February 13th at 6pm at the Corbeil Park Hall.

(Photo submitted)

Filed under: Corbeil Park Hall, North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority