The chair of the Invest North Bay board says they continue efforts to attract new Canadian investors.

George Burton says they’re contacting recent immigrants to think about this area of the province to invest.

They have nothing new at this point, but something might be coming soon.

“We are always in discussions with potential investors about coming to North Bay. When we can get to the point that companies can announce they will announce. There will be a more formal update in the next 6-8 weeks of progress to date,” he says.

Burton says they are marketing in the GTA.

“We don’t have the resources to do a broad campaign. We have to be conscious of every dollar we spend because we are using taxpayer dollars that we are using to attract new investment,”
Burton says.

He says Invest North bay is working well on the immigration file with the city and the North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce’s pilot project.

(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: Invest North Bay