It’s costing a lot more for a local family of four to eat a basic healthy diet each month.

The Health Unit’s 2019 Cost of Healthy Eating report shows the monthly cost is $936.32.

That’s an increase of $52 compared to the 2018 report, which was released a year ago.

According to our records the increase between 2017 and 2018 was only $6.

Every year, the Health Unit visits 12 local grocery stores to determine the cost of healthy eating.

The report says one seven households in the Nipissing and Parry Sound Districts continues to be food insecure.

“Year after year, the results show that it is very difficult, and in some cases impossible, for low income households to pay for the costs of living, including healthy food,” states the report. “Food charity programs like food banks and soup kitchens can provide some emergency relief. However, they do not address the root cause of food insecurity, which is poverty.  Only about 20-25% of households experiencing food insecurity use food charity programs.”

The report also says food insecurity is closely linked with income. “The lower the household income, the more likely a households is to live with food insecurity.”

People with employment:
– About 60% of food insecure households have income from employment.
– Due to low wages, part time hours, and lack of benefits, having a job doesn’t always provide enough money for the costs of living, including food.

People receiving social assistance:
– About 64% of people receiving social assistance rates are food insecure, and are much more likely to live with severe food insecurity.


For the full report CLICK HERE

Filed under: 2019 Cost of Healthy Eating Report, North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit