The chair of the Community Services Committee wants the city to develop Sponsorship Naming Rights Policy.

On Tuesday, Councillor Johanne Brousseau will be calling for support  for staff to provide a report to council.

She says she wants a process established that would outline rules on how facilities can be named and for how long.

Brousseau cites the local ball fields as an example.

“They all have names but maybe they’re from individuals that were recognized in the ’70’s and ’80’s. It’s not fair to our younger generation that we just have names from the past,” she says.

She’s looking for a set of rules that people will have to follow when naming a facility after someone.

“Stuff that should be documented and kept in the files for future years. I want more of a system or process so that it’s fair for everyone,” Brousseau says.

Brousseau says she wants a process based on sponsorships and the fees can help off the cost of a facility.

She says a committee could be informed and they would make recommendations.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: Johanne Brousseau, naming rights