The North Bay-Parry Sound District Health Unit says the risk to individuals for COVID-19 in the district remains low.

Several individuals from the area including North Bay Mayor Al McDonald, a member of city staff, MP Anthony Rota and MPP Vic Fedeli all attended the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada conference last week in Toronto.

One person who attended that event from Sudbury has been identified as having COVID-19.

In a release, the health unit is recommending that anyone who attended the event monitor their health.

The release says if they do not have symptoms they do not need to separate from others but should they develop a fever, cough or have difficulty breathing, they need to separate immediately and call the Health Unit at 1-800-563-2808 ext. 5229 to speak with a public health nurse, or call your health care provider.

If you do need immediate medical attention, such as severe difficulty breathing, you should call 911 and mention your travel history, your presence at PDAC and symptoms.

The health unit says recommendations are the same for individuals who in the last 14 days have been to a COVID-19 infected area, been in close contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 or been in close contact with a person with difficulty breathing, cough and/or fever, who has been to a COVID-19 infected area.

The best way for the public to protect themselves is through simple hygiene practices such as, regular handwashing or using alcohol-based sanitizers, not touching your face, covering your cough or sneeze and staying home when sick.


The city says the Mayor and a staff member who were both at the conference are not experiencing symptoms but are at home.

Rota and Fedeli say they are not experiencing any symptoms and are following the recommendations of public health officials to self-monitor as a precaution.


The City says it has increased cleaning and sanitation in recent weeks in high-contact areas, including arenas and on City buses. That includes wiping down entrance doors handles, elevator buttons and handrails.
At arenas, railings heading into seating areas are wiped down three times per shift.

When possible, bathroom doors are propped open to avoid the need to touch handles and paper towel dispensers are wiped down frequently.

Hand sanitizer is available at guest service areas and at employee entrances.

For more information go to

(photo courtesy CP/AP)

Filed under: COVID-19, Mayor Al McDonald, North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit