The North Bay Police Services Board is supporting Project Lifesaver.
Chief Scott Tod tells BayToday they’re working with BAYSAR on the initiative.
It combines radio technology with a co-ordinated police response to locate wandering and disoriented loved ones with Alzheimer’s, autism or other conditions.
“BAYSAR will promote Project Lifesaver to individuals or families in our community who would like transmitters attached to an individual so should that they go missing or wandering we’re able to track them down in a short fashion,” he says. “We could cut what would be hours down to minutes now when we’re looking for people who are registered and part of the Project Lifesaver program.”
The program has been used successfully elsewhere.
“It’s been used by other police services, in which Sudbury is one of them, and as I said it takes searches from hours to minutes,” Tod says.
He says there will be a registration fee for families who sign up, but they’re looking to fundraise to cover the majority of the costs involved.

(file photo by station staff)

Filed under: Chief Scott Tod, Project Lifesaver