The COVID-19 risk to Canadians and people in our district remains low.

That from Medical Officer of Health Dr Jim Chirico who also says there are no positive cases locally and no known community spread.

The North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit is aligning with Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health and the provincial state of emergency and strongly recommending bars, theatres, libraries, recreational programs, daycare centres and places of worship close effective today.

Restaurants can remain open for pick-up and delivery only.

Another message is that social distancing will help prevent and slow the spread of the virus.

Officials say simple hygiene practices, like regular handwashing or using alcohol-based sanitzers, not touching your face and covering a cough or sneeze are the best ways for people to protect themselves.

They also say if you’re sick, stay home.

Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health has also recommended that gatherings remain less than 50 people and that people practice social distancing.

Social distancing does not mean that you are required to stay at home, rather it means:
– Talk to your supervisor, manager, or employer about the possibility of working from home where possible.
– If you have meetings planned, consider doing them virtually instead of in person.
– Whenever possible, spend time outside and in settings where people can maintain a 1-2 meter (3-6 feet) distance from each other.
– Change how you greet one another ¡V greet with a friendly wave or an elbow bump.
– If possible, limit or consider cancelling group gatherings especially those larger than 50 people or in places that you cannot distance yourself (1-2 meters, 3-6 feet).
– Avoid non-essential trips in the community.
– If you have to go into the community for an essential trip via taxi or rideshare, be sure to keep the windows down.
– Avoid visits to Long-Term Care Homes, Retirement Homes, Supportive Housing, Hospices and other care settings unless the visit is essential. Older adults and those with underlying health problems are most at risk of becoming ill with COVID-19.

Officials say four out of five people who become ill with COVID-19 will have no symptoms or mild symptoms and recover within a week or two.
They encourage employers to support employees to work from home and to visit the Health Unit’s website for information on preparing and responding to the risk of COVID-19 in the workplace.

Visit for more information.


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit