If I was still in school but had to be home schooled during this outbreak, I think the thing that would bum me out the most is not getting to go on any field trips with my friends.


Even though your kids shouldn’t be leaving the house physically, there is a way you can still take them on some field trips Virtually

The website below has a list of five great virtually tours that are uniquely Canadian.

You can take a virtual tour of the Parliament buildings in Ottawa, explore the Canadian Museum of History or there are several great google map ideas that let you explore some amazing regions of Canada.

So if you need something to keep your kids or yourself preoccupied while also having it be educational, consider a Virtual Field Trip and let me know how it goes.

You can text me at 269-269

5 Canadian Virtual Field Trips for Fun & Learning


Filed under: Home School, Social Distancing, Virtual Field Trips