The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities office is now located in North Bay.

That’s because the executive director of the organization is North Bay City Councillor Mac Bain.

Bain has been a board member for several years. He says his main job is is work with northern municipalities and get a good sense of their main concerns.

He says health care is key during this current COVID-19 crisis.

“We also need to ensure that our challenges in Northern Ontario are adequately represented and explained to the province. The executive of FONOM will do a great job in doing that,” he says.

Bain says municipal government is the closest of all the governments to citizens.

“We are all engaged to fairly represent our citizens and to take action to benefit them,” Bain says.

FONOM is an association of some 110 districts, municipalities,cities and towns.

Bain replaces David King.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: FONOM, Mac Bain