A North Bay delivery company is offering up a free service for those looking to donate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Express Parcel owner Davis Connelly says if a person or organization has PPE, like masks or gloves, that they want to donate to front-line workers, they will deliver them at no charge.

“They’re working with very limited or no supplies, they’re at high risk and they’re helping those at high risk as well, and they need these supplies,” he says.Front line workers are heroes who face the unknown every day they go into work. We want to do what we can to ensure they have the supplies they need to stay safe, while they keep the rest of us safe.” 

Connelly says he believes anyone who is able should step up and do what they can to help, and what his company can do is offer the free delivery service.

He points out they deliver north to Timmins, south to Gravenhurst, east to Mattawa and west to Sudbury and area.

“We understand there’s a logistical need to get PPE to the front-line workers and we can do this because we’re in those areas on a daily basis,” Connelly adds.  

Express Parcel will get the equipment to hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, nursing homes, and first responders like police, fire and EMS.

Whether you have supplies or you’re at a facility in need, you can visit their website at expressparcel.ca or send an email to info@expressparcel.ca to get started.


(Photo submitted)

Filed under: COVID-19, Express Parcel North Bay