Local churches have had to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic, with physical distancing protocols in place, and Trinity United Church is now offering a popular ‘virtual church’ service.

Since it started a few weeks ago Rev. Ted Harrison says the service has grown to include volunteers locally and elsewhere offering songs, prayers and scripture readings, there’s even a virtual Sunday School.

“All our different ages, leaders from the church, hearing from our kids, people knowing that they are missed and that we are going to get through this, we’re going to pull through this together and that we will be better for it,” he says.

Rev. Ted says the service is proving to be popular too, with more people at their service the last Sunday in March than they have on Christmas Eve.

He says people have always been curious about what happens at churches like Trinity, but people also have time right now to check it out.

“I think this is a point where people are so in need of the hope and sense of community connection that churches have always offered but in a time like this there’s never been more appetite for it,” Rev. Ted adds.

He also says the community came through for them just last year, so now they’re giving back to the community.

“In 2019 the North Bay community was incredibly gracious and generous with Trinity. We had an unexpected problem with our roof, and repair donations from the community just poured in. Now during this pandemic we have an opportunity to give back to the community,” Rev. Ted says.

Trinity’s on-line services now include members and staff of other local United Churches, including their closest sister church, Saint Andrew’s United.

You can find a link to their YouTube channel and more information and resources at trinitynorthbay.ca


(Photo submitted – Reverend Ted uses a green screen in his home office, to create the appearance that he’s in the Trinity sanctuary, while in isolation)

Filed under: Trinity United Church, virtual church