A couple of Canadian astronauts recently held a live question and answer session online and a local student’s question was one of eight they answered.

Algonquin grade 10 student Emilie Perron tells BayToday she was among thousands of students to send in questions to Jeremy Hansen, who she has met before, and David Saint-Jacques.

She says she was excited to hear her name and question.

“The question I asked is how astronauts handle their mental health during training and while they are literally in space and what kind of supports are available to them to help them through this,” says Perron.

Hansen talked about teamwork while Saint-Jacques touched on isolation training, which in today’s climate of COVID-19 is timely.

“I think it is important in times like this, astronauts have a lot of insight during things like isolation because that is what they do for a living. Some of them spend more than six months isolated from everyone they know and the whole world, so they always have something interesting to teach everybody,” Perron says.

Check out the full story at BayToday.ca

(Photo submitted to BayToday from a previous meeting)

Filed under: Canadian Astronauts, École secondaire catholique Algonquin, north bay