The snow is almost all gone.

The North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority says the average depth is now one cm with no snow recorded at two of three reading stations.

Last year at this time there was still between 35 and 58 cm of snow at the three stations.

As for water levels, some area water courses like Chippewa Creek, La Vase River and Wasi River are slightly below average while others like the Mattawa River and Lake Nipissing are slightly above.

Officials say both Lake Nipissing and Mattawa River could still be influenced by melting snow in the northern sub-watersheds which feed into these water bodies.

They also say the Amable du Fond River has remained at a relatively constant level following its rise for the last few weeks, and is at an average level for this stage of the melt.


(Photo submitted)

Filed under: North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority