The impact of COVID-19 is felt in many ways in our community.

Alan McQuarrie is Executive Director of the Community Counselling Centre of Nipissing.

He says substance abuse becomes more prevalent with people away from the usual routine of work.

“Not having to go to work. They’re not out in the community and as a result are turning to substances to cope. People are off their routines and they’re feeling lost,” he says.

Meantime, he says domestic violence has always been an issue but victims are at more risk with this crisis as there are more opportunities with people home to exert control.

“In many cases, some men have a belief system where I have to keep control of this situation. I have to control the people involved and I have to control ny partner and that can be very problematic,” McQuarrie says.

There are supports available in the community for both addictions and victims of domestic violence.

One resource is


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: Community Counselling Centre of Nipissing