Cooking fires are a concern for fire officials locally.
The city tweeted out some safety tips this week and Fire Chief Jason Whiteley says they’re looking to keep fire safety top of mind during the pandemic.
He says provincially they’re seeing an increase in fires, pointing to recent fatal fires in Toronto and Ottawa.
“While people are working at home, cooking more at home, we’re starting to see provincially some trends change and we just want to reinforce fire safety in your home,” he says.
He’s reminding people about the fire ban too.
“Unfortunately we’ve been getting a bunch of outdoor fires of people not adhering to the ban, that’s a little disappointing. As for structure fires, we’re kind of on pace to what we usually do, we haven’t seen a large increase in our volume,” Whiteley adds.
He also says while at home take the time to check and maintain smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, practice home fire escape plans, and ensure cords from electronic devices aren’t running under things and don’t leave devices charging in the bed.
“We have seen the heat from charging cause fires in the province,” Whiteley says.
Another request is for residents in apartment buildings to fully evacuate during fire alarms, and not gather in the lobby, which doesn’t allow for physical distancing.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: COVID-19, Fire Chief Jason Whiteley, fire safety