An outreach team is going to do COVID-19 testing of all area long-term care staff and residents.

The North Bay Regional Health Centre tweeted that the team is proud to be supporting the initiative.

They began at Casselholme today with swabs being done on all 328 staff and 222 patients.

In a Facebook post, Dr. Ian Cowan, Medical Director of the COVID-19 Assessment Centre explains this work is part of the provincial plan for enhanced testing in long-term care.

“Much like how our Assessment Centre has been a true community effort, so is this outreach team,” Dr. Cowan explains. “We have been able to quickly pull together a team with the necessary expertise to have eight people safely swabbing the residents and staff working in our community’s long-term care and retirement homes.”


(File photo above by station staff)


Filed under: COVID-19, North Bay Regional Health Centre