A Nipissing Serenity Hospice online fundraiser is helping you celebrate Mom.

Interim Executive Director Jane Jackson says they’ve teamed up with Twiggs Coffee Roasters and Laportes Nursery to offer ‘Blooms and Aromas’ gift packages for Mother’s Day.

“Five different packages that people can choose from. We have ceramic flower pots, coffee or tea,” she says.

Jackson says they hope to raise $5,000. The fundraiser involves curb-side pick up at the hospice on Saturday, May 9th.

She says there are $50 and $100 gift packages.

The fundraiser involves curb-side pick up at the hospice on Saturday, May 9th.

“We have a great vestibule and a drive-thru so they can stop, pick up their package and they’ll have it for Mothers Day,” she says.

For more information check out https://nipissingserenityhospice.ca/shop/


(Photo courtesy Nipissing Serenity Hospice website)


Filed under: Nipissing Serenity Hospice